OpenAirInterface Software
EURECOM has recently created the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance (OSA), a separate legal entity from EURECOM, which aims to provide a similar ecosystem for the core (EPC) and access-network (EUTRAN) of 3GPP cellular systems with the possibility of interoperating with closed-source equipment in either portion of the network.
More information about the OpenAirInterface software can be found on our Twiki pages.
A mailing list for developers (openair4G-devel [at] lists [dot] eurecom [dot] fr) is hosted on Eurecom's sympa server. To subscribe to it, send an email to sympa [at] lists [dot] eurecom [dot] fr with the subject "subscribe openair4G-devel YourFirstName YourLastName".
Welcome !!